
Friday, February 11, 2011

New Belgium - 1554 / Mighty Arrow

New Belgium 1554- Dark Black lager ale, pours a rich dark smooth. Very malty with a coffee aroma. Back in 2005 when I first had this beer at the Mothership, I was not very fond of this or any dark ale. I can safely say this was my first darker beer brew that I ever tried. Verdict A-, one of my bench marks for when I try other dark ales. I tend to drink this slower and enjoy its taste of the coffee/chocolate and smokey aroma.
New Belgium - Mighty Arrow, I am still on the fence as far as Pale Ales rank, but New Belgium Mighty Arrow is very good, and this year in Chicago the 6 pack offering has been on the shelves at just about every store i've been to. Great Pale ale, good golden orange color, citrus notes and bit of hop. Verdict B+

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