
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boulder Beer Company- Hazed & infused

Boulder Beer Company - Hazed & Infused. Rich orange amber color, great lacing. a mild citrus and hop aroma. This beer has a mild grapefruit taste, hints of banana and only a little bite of hops. 
Verdict: B+ 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two Brothers - Monarch and Domaine DuPage

Two Brothers - Monarch Anniversary White Beer. This beer was a bit tangy, had a similar taste to a traditional wheat beer, light champaign aroma. 
Verdict: B

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sam Adams- Noble Pils

Sam Adams - Noble Pils
Very light golden color, smooth taste. I am not a Pilsner drinker but this had a very refreshing light taste. Easy drinker with not a whole lot of  flavor or hop bite.
Verdict: B+

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Brothers Brewery trip

Two Brothers Brewery is located in Warrenville, Illinois. It is well hidden in an industrial park area. The brewery is also a BrewPub offering great food and limited edition brews only available from their tap. Tours are on the weekends and last approx 30-40 minutes. The tour includes 3 free samples of their beer.

Cover of Food/Beer menu
Brewery Tour

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lunar Brew Co. - Villa Park

This was a Moondance IPA

This was my first tapping party at Lunar Brewing company. They had guest Brew giant Goose Island in for a special release of Pepe Cera which is only distributed from February thru April each year.
Goose island - Pepe Cera

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reggies Music Joint - Metal show

My Metal band played Reggies Music Joint last night and I was pleased to see the fairly excellent selection of local and regional micro brews on tap. the picture above is from the Stage bar which is sort of limited but definitely a crowd pleaser. Gumball-head on Tap is much more enjoyable but still a very light session beer 100% worthy of summer time. The photo below is of the restaurant tap selection, I wasn't sitting close enough to grab the full rail. Bells, Half Acre, Goose Island, Three Floyd's, Laguintas, New Belgium, Stone, Dogfish Head all represented below. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

New Belgium - 1554 / Mighty Arrow

New Belgium 1554- Dark Black lager ale, pours a rich dark smooth. Very malty with a coffee aroma. Back in 2005 when I first had this beer at the Mothership, I was not very fond of this or any dark ale. I can safely say this was my first darker beer brew that I ever tried. Verdict A-, one of my bench marks for when I try other dark ales. I tend to drink this slower and enjoy its taste of the coffee/chocolate and smokey aroma.
New Belgium - Mighty Arrow, I am still on the fence as far as Pale Ales rank, but New Belgium Mighty Arrow is very good, and this year in Chicago the 6 pack offering has been on the shelves at just about every store i've been to. Great Pale ale, good golden orange color, citrus notes and bit of hop. Verdict B+

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Belgium - Ranger IPA

2011 marks the the third year for Ranger IPA being sold in Chicago. I was not a fan of Ranger at first but now I love the hop taste. Grapfruit citrus notes, bold hoppy attack. Verdict: B+

Kirkland (Costco) beer pack

This brew pack was purchased at CostCo, it came in a 24pack 6 of 4 styles. I would recommend this to anybody who orders Miller/MGD/Coors/Budweiser as a safe first step into the variety of beer styles. 
Amber Ale: not a lot of flavor. Verdict C-
Pale Ale: Verdict C+
India Pale Ale: typical IPA taste, nothing note worthy. Verdict C+
Belgian White: probably the best tasting brew from the pack. Verdict B-

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big Flats - Walgreens

I think my reaction in the video is really all you need to know if it is worth your time to pick up some Big Flats Beer at your local Walgreens. ($2.99 a six pack) Verdict: D+

Tuesday, February 1, 2011